Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Amazing Hass Avocado (and it's simple summer salad)

Tomato, avocado, shallot salad. 
It's tomato time AND avocado time!!! My favorite time of the year. You'll be seeing a lot of tomato recipes throughout the summer and this one's so simple and so delicious, you'll serve it all summer long.

This is the quintessential summer salad especially here in Southern California where 90% of the nation's avocados are grown. The most famous of which is the Hass.

The Hass is the medium sized purple and black prune looking fruit that bears a rich creamy flesh and a large seed. That seed will provide you with another avocado tree if harvested correctly, which most of us learned in our 2nd grade classroom. The most amazing thing about the Hass is that every single commercial avocado that we eat today was harvested from one single tree from La Habra Heights, CA harvested in 1926!!

The flavors in this salad are so fresh they need not be bogged down with garlic or overloaded with spices. At the height of tomato and avocado season let the salad do the heavy lifting so all you have to do is eat!

1 package of ripe grape tomatoes
1 small shallot sliced thinly in rings
1 ripe Hass avocado
1 lemon
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs good balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp white sugar
salt & pepper

Halve grape tomatoes, thinly slice shallot and cube avocado. Toss lightly with olive oil, lemon, s&p and sugar. Enjoy!

Wanna grow your own? Click here for directions!

It's gonna be a good summer ya'll!

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